Dwight Perry "Due to all the upsets in the NCAA tournament, the average office bracket will be won by Helena, the company accountant from Switzerland who thinks a free throw is worth four points." -- Brad Dickson "A North Carolina company has a dog IQ test for $60. The first sign your dog is smarter than you? If you spend $60 on a dog IQ test.” -- Alex Kaseberg "The Cowboys just gave Tony Romo a six year $108 million deal. Wow. Well, at least Dallas won`t have to& ...
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(Alex Kaseberg). A new poll shows that 50% of Americans oppose issuing a driver`s license to illegal aliens, while 100% oppose issuing one to Britney Spears. (Andy Borowitz). Have you heard the Pakistani Miranda Oath? “You have the right to beat up an attorney. If you don`t have time to beat up an attorney, one will be beaten ... never do anything to offend the accountants. (Argus Hamilton). They are calling this the toughest time for comedy writing since those three& ...
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Topical jokes and comments by comedy writer Alex Kaseberg. Any comments or questions - or if you need ... Today Blake had to borrow money to hire someone to shoot his accountant. We kid the Kirstie Burger King has the& ...
Dwight Perry "Due to all the upsets in the NCAA tournament, the average office bracket will be won by Helena, the company accountant from Switzerland who thinks a free throw is worth four points." -- Brad Dickson "A North Carolina company has a dog IQ test for $60. The first sign your dog is smarter than you? If you spend $60 on a dog IQ test.” -- Alex Kaseberg "The Cowboys just gave Tony Romo a six year $108 million deal. Wow. Well, at least Dallas won`t have to& ...
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